Sierra Leone is a country located in western Africa, whose agricultural industry and food system depends largely on the production and harvesting of rice
The average woman in Sierra Leone has six children which presents a serious problem if the family does not have access to food resources. This could lead to issues such as an increase in malnutrition. Sierra Leone has a population of 7.6 million made of up 16 different ethnic groups as well as 16 different languages. The average life expectancy is only 52.3 years, and there are many health concerns surrounding HIV/AIDS, malaria, and yellow fever. The poverty rate is 81%, and the climate is tropical, hot, and humid, deeming effective food storage essential to communities living in the region.
Malawi is a country within southeastern Africa whose agricultural industry plays a large component within their economy, producing mainly cornmeal, tobacco, sugar, and more
The population in Malawi is over 19 million, and the average life expectancy is 63.77 years. The climate in Malawi also makes effective food storage a necessity. The hot-wet season that occurs from November to April can have detrimental effects on the food supply as well as community health in general. Less than half of the population has access to improved sanitation, and there is a very high degree of risk for food or waterborne diseases overall.
The people of both regions rely on diets centered around grains, especially cornmeal and rice, that is subject to aflatoxin, or mold. Exposure to this toxin could lead to pneumonia which weakens the immune system or even cancers.
Lack of access to these staple foods and the increasing costs of imported goods, causes people suffer from malnutrition and accompanying health deficiencies, and this contributes to low average life expectancies.

A desiccant is a substance or material that is hygroscopic, meaning it has tendency to absorb moisture
We determined that calcium chloride would be the most effective desiccant. This compound has been proven to be more effective than other forms of desiccant, and it can handle 65% relative humidity. It has also shown to prevent mold for over 24 days at a time. Our project will test calcium chloride at a higher humidity. The desiccant will be placed in a permeable membrane and stored.